The performance of cursors in SQL Server has been blamed for years. Many developers rather to use a temp table to save the record set from the query and then use while statement to loop the records over the temp table. Is this a good choice? Do cursors realy perform badly? In this article, you will figure the loop will only perform well in one particular case actually. In most of the cases, cursor performs better.
Fetch Multiple Rows Through Cursor
Fetch statement allows you to retrieve one records at a time. If you need multiple records returned, you will have to call fetch multiple times to get multiple sets. Each returned sets has one record in it. It would be useful if a cursor can return multiple rows by one fetch. This can be implemented by API cursor.
Open a Cursor over Queries, Procesures, and Dynamic SQL
Cursor is a built-in mechanism SQL Server provides to iterate through records returned frome a query even a stored procedure. Before using a cursor, the cursor has to be defined with a unique name in a scope, local and global. Cursor structure is built when it’s opened. Once the cursor gets opened for a set of rows, you can use fetch command to retrieve one row at a time and save it into a variable, return to client, or insert them into a table structure.
Procedures for API Cursor
SQL Server API cursor was designed for data access components years ago. It’s sharing the same framework of T-SQL cursors with more powerful features, such as create cursor over a return set from a procedure. This article lists procedures for API cursor. They are undocumented and deprecated. Please use them in caution. The major part of this article is copied it from