SQL Saturday #198 – Vancouver, BC – February 16th, 2013

What’s a SQL Saturday

FREE, all-day, educational event focused on Data related Topics

Pre-Event Activities:

  • Vancouver IT Community Ski Trip on Friday

Event Day Activities:

  • 42 Full Length Technical Sessions
  • Get Involved by doing a Lightning Talk
  • Visit the Sponsors
  • Lunch Session By Microsoft

Preparing Yourself for a Successful SQLSaturday – Call to Action

  • Select the session that most interest you
  • Invite a co-worker or friend
  • Bring your portable technology if you like

Download Microsoft FREE Tools & Resources

Yes, there WILL be Wi-Fi

Now that we’ve got your attention, check out further details below!



5 W’s of SQLSaturday #198

Who:      YOU – You’re a Professional Geek

What:     SQL Saturday #198 – Vancouver, BC

Where:  BCIT Burnaby Campus

Why:      Free Educational event focused on Data related topics

When:    Saturday, February 16th, 2013 – All day!

What’s a SQL Saturday

Basically it’s a FREE, all-day, educational event with data focused presentations by some of the biggest names in the industry.  For this SQLSaturday, many of the speakers are going to be in the area for the Microsoft MVP Summit so we are benefitting from proximity and timing for this event.

To find out more about what a SQLSaturday is all about, check out: http://sqlsaturday.com/about.aspx

To find out further details on the Vancouver SQLSaturday #198, check out: http://sqlsaturday.com/198/eventhome.aspx

Grouse Mountain is the mountain that was chosen.  There will be a sign up at ScottStauffer.ca shortly – nothing official, registration is just an opportunity to identify who will be there so we can meet and enjoy the day as a group, and so that we can communicate to you about the event.

Event Day Activities:

42 Technical Sessions

We have some really interest session presented by some very knowledgeable people.  Check out the schedule – http://sqlsaturday.com/198/schedule.aspx – but BEWARE, we will shuffle the sessions around, this timetable is not final!

Get Involved by doing a Lightning Talk

One of the tenants of SQLSaturday is giving people the opportunity to present.  What better way to encourage new speakers to speak, than to have a friendly environment with which to dip your toe in the water.  Register on the website as a Lightning Talk and prepare a 10 minute presentation.


If you’d like a few opportunities, check out the Speaker Idol a few paragraphs above.

Need a mentor to help you get started?   Email Us and we will see what we can do to help you out.

Visit the Sponsors

We have a plethora of generous sponsors who’ve kindly supported this event, and others like it.  Take some time and say, “Thank You.”  A lot of them have tools and services that may be able to help you and your company.  Many of the sponsors will have a table and raffle boxes where you’ll be able to place your raffle ticket for the draws that take place at the end of the day.

Lunch Session By Microsoft

Damir Bersinic of Microsoft Canada will again be presenting a special lunch time session open to all attendees.  The topic and details will be available shortly on the event news section of the website.


Preparing Yourself for a Successful SQLSaturday – Call to Action


It seems like a good way to start!  Register now, and save yourself a spot at a very cool event


Select the session that most interest you

After you’ve had an opportunity to register, read the session abstracts and speaker bios on the Schedule page.


Then after you’ve had a look help us by telling us what session interest you most by going to the schedule builders.


By no means do this mean you are held to you choice, but by filling this out, it gives us an idea on which session may need more space and allows us to better design a schedule that works best for all attendees – Help us make it better for you!

Bring your portable device if you like

Although, certainly not required, feel free to bring a smartphone, tablet, or notebook to take notes, and try some of the examples that are proposed by presenters.  Or Tweet about events at #SQLSat198

Download Microsoft FREE Tools & Resources

Here are some great resources to have a look at before and after the event to get started with some of the new Microsoft Data Platform Technologies.

Get hands on with SQL Server 2012 and new BI <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/evalcenter/hh225126>

  1. Upgrade your skills to SQL 2012 at Microsoft Virtual Academy < http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/Home.aspx>
  2. Upgrade your DB to SQL 2012 from previous versions <http://blogs.technet.com/b/cdnitmanagers/archive/2012/12/06/sql-server-2000-end-of-support-april-2013.aspx>

Download Guidebook

In addition to a paper Program Guide available at the event, we will also use Guidebook.  Check it out to see if you have a compatible device.

Yes, there WILL be Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi coverage is generally something that I have had fantastic experience with at BCIT.  Please be aware that BCIT has a limited number of power outlets in the lecture halls.  We will do our best to add power bars where it is safe to do so, there may be areas where you won’t be able to plug in.

Are you convinced?  Then what are you waiting for… Register now!  It is FREE.


After registering a PayPal screen will pop up, so that if you are interested in purchasing the lunch, you may do so, but this is not mandatory.

You can close the PayPal window if you aren’t interested in the boxed lunch

We look forward to seeing you at the 3rd Annual Vancouver SQLSaturday!

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