The biggest issue of using SQL jobs to schedule tasks is the resource consumption due to the inefficienct SQL cache utilization of SQL Server Agent. Service Broker in this case can be employed to resolve this issue. There are 2 options. One is to implement a tiny version of SQL Server Agent by Service Broker, in which we will discuss in the post, and the other way is to use Service Broker as a task conveyer and executor, which I am going to talk in next few posts in this series.
Now let’s Implement Service Broker as a replacement of SQL Server Agent to schedule T-SQL Tasks. The first, we need to create a database with Service Broker enabled, as code snippet showing below
use master if DB_ID('test') is not null begin alter database test set single_user with rollback immediate drop database test end go create database test go alter database test set enable_broker go
Since we are only intent to replace the scheduling part of the system, the task checking, ordering, and loading parts stay the same.
use test go create table Tasks ( TaskID int identity(1,1) primary key, ExecutionOrder int null, TaskBody varchar(max) not null, Status varchar(20) not null default('Pending') -- can be Pending, Running, and Finished ) go create index IX_ExecutionOrder on Tasks(ExecutionOrder) create index IX_Status on Tasks(Status) go create table Logs ( LogId bigint identity(1,1) primary key, TaskID int not null, ExecutionOrder int not null, TaskBody varchar(max), SPID int not null default(@@SPID), StartTime datetime not null default(getdate()), Endtime datetime ) go create procedure ExecuteTask(@TaskID int, @ExecutionOrder int, @TaskBody nvarchar(max)) as begin declare @LogID bigint insert into Logs(TaskID, TaskBody, ExecutionOrder) values(@TaskID, @TaskBody, @ExecutionOrder) select @LogID = scope_identity() begin try exec(@TaskBody ) end try begin catch -- your error handling logics end catch update Logs set EndTime = getdate() where LogID = @LogID end go create procedure TaskScheduler ( @WaitingTime int = 30 -- when queue is empty, it waits for 30 second by default before quitting. ) as begin declare @StartTime datetime, @TaskID int, @TaskBody nvarchar(max), @ExecutionOrder int select @StartTime = getdate() while(1=1) begin begin transaction update top (1) t set @TaskID = TaskID, @TaskBody = TaskBody, @ExecutionOrder = ExecutionOrder, Status = 'Running' from Tasks t with (readpast) where t.Status = 'Pending' and not exists( select * from Tasks t1 with (nolock) where t1.ExecutionOrder < t.ExecutionOrder ) if @@rowcount = 1 begin exec ExecuteTask @TaskID, @ExecutionOrder, @TaskBody delete from Tasks where TaskID = @TaskID select @StartTime = getdate() end else waitfor delay '00:00:00:100' -- wait for 100 milliseconds commit -- we can commit anyways here if datediff(second, @StartTime, getdate()) > @WaitingTime break; -- if there is no task in the queue in last @WaitingTime seconds end end go create procedure ExecAsync (@SQL varchar(max), @ExecutionOrder int) as begin insert into Tasks(TaskBody, ExecutionOrder) values(@SQL, @ExecutionOrder) end go
Now let’s do implementation part of Service Broker
use test go create queue QueueScheduler create service ServiceScheduler on queue QueueScheduler([DEFAULT]) go go create procedure ActivationQueueScheduler as begin declare @Handle uniqueidentifier, @Type sysname, @msg nvarchar(max) waitfor( Receive top (1) @Handle = conversation_handle, @Type = message_type_name from QueueScheduler ), timeout 5000 -- wait for 5 seconds if @Handle is null -- no message received return; if @Type = '' begin begin conversation timer (@Handle) timeout = 10; exec TaskScheduler end else end conversation @Handle; end go alter queue QueueScheduler with status = on , retention = off , activation ( status = on , procedure_name = ActivationQueueScheduler, max_queue_readers = 3, execute as 'dbo' ) go
We create Queue and Service associated with the queue, then create Activation procedure going to be associated with the queue. Within the activation procedure, we try to get a message from the queue. If there is no message left in the queue, the activation procedure quit. If there is an message with type, then we send a timer message to the queue. The timer message sent, in this case, will come back to the queue after 10 seconds. Then it calls procedure TaskScheduler to load the tasks. This keeps the message loop alive.
If message received is not a timer message, such as error message or end of conversation message, we end the conversation. In this case, the Service Broker only acts as a timer rather than a message conveyer. Now let’s create 2 procedures to Activate the scheduler and stop the scheduler.
create procedure StartScheduler as begin declare @handle uniqueidentifier select @handle = conversation_handle from sys.conversation_endpoints where is_initiator = 1 and far_service = 'ServiceScheduler' and state <> 'CD' if @@ROWCOUNT = 0 begin begin dialog conversation @handle from service ServiceScheduler to service 'ServiceScheduler' on contract [DEFAULT] with encryption = off; declare @i int = 0, @MaxReaders int = 0 select @MaxReaders = max_readers from sys.service_queues where name = 'QueueScheduler' while @i< @MaxReaders begin begin conversation timer (@Handle) timeout = 1; select @i = @i + 1 end end; end go create procedure StopScheduler as begin declare @handle uniqueidentifier select @handle = conversation_handle from sys.conversation_endpoints where is_initiator = 1 and far_service = 'ServiceScheduler' and state <> 'CD' if @@ROWCOUNT <> 0 end conversation @handle end
while starting the scheduler, StartScheduler procedure check if there is any active conversation associated with ServiceScheduler. If yes, it means the scheduler is active, there is no further operation needed. Otherwise the procedure creates a new conversation from ServiceScheduler to itself, check the number of activator of the queue, and then send same number of timer messages to the queue. while stopping the scheduler, procedure StopScheduler simply end the conversation.
Now, let’s start the scheduler, wait for a while and check the active activated tasks.
exec StartScheduler go --wait for a minute go select * from sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks go /* spid database_id queue_id procedure_name execute_as ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------- ----------- 18 13 181575685 [dbo].[ActivationQueueScheduler] 1 26 13 181575685 [dbo].[ActivationQueueScheduler] 1 31 13 181575685 [dbo].[ActivationQueueScheduler] 1 (3 row(s) affected) */
There are 3 running sessions launched by Service Broker Queue. Then let’s enqueue some tasks and observate execution Logs
exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.100''', 100 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.100''', 100 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.200''', 200 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.200''', 200 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.200''', 200 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.300''', 300 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.400''', 400 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.400''', 400 exec ExecAsync 'Waitfor delay ''00:00:10.500''', 500 --wait for few seconds and then run select * from Logs with (nolock)
It behaves exactly same as the result from the experiment from last post of this series. There is no dynamic SQL statement overhead issued by the scheduler. This’s definitely an approach to replace SQL Agent jobs for parallel task scheduling. This solution is perfect in most of the cases, however, there is still a big drawback which is that the scheduler uses multiple sessions constantly scan the Tasks table. The process keeps spinning. That creates the hot spot and overhead of processor to the system.
In my next post of this series, I will discuss how to use Service Broker acts as both task conveyer and scheduler to overcome the issue we have in this experiment.